Wedding Favours – What Do You Give and Why?

The preparation and planning of a wedding, and more so, the wedding day itself, is full of traditions and we love every bit of them here at The Great Barn. Passed down from generation to generation; some worldwide, some personal, some family traditions, these include not seeing the bride before the ceremony, the giving and receiving of rings, old, new, borrowed, blue and of course, the wedding favour.
Once a sign of stature and wealth, and originally a bag of five sugared almonds, given to represent health, wealth, happiness, Fertility and long life, favours were introduced many centuries ago and are still popular today.

Some of our brides and grooms still prefer sugared almonds, but with the trend towards themes for weddings, and the idea that you can combine favours with seating plans, with table decoration, the choices are endless and so much more fun. And obviously, depending on your budget, you can express thanks to your guests in as big, or small, extravagant or personal a way as you like.
Box them, bag them, say it with flowers, food, music, or bubbles, here are just some of our favourite favours!

There’s so many more favours on our Pinterest board. Why don’t you pop over and see? Plus we would love to hear what you did for your wedding day.